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Two Loop Knots You Should be Using


Two loops you should be using to tie Flies to Leaders…

Over the years I have used and tested a fair few knots. One of the biggest debates is what knot to use when tying a fly to the leader.

The first knot I was taught was the good old clinch knot. Then it got improved. Then there was the uni-knot. I never really questioned knots until just after I left school. Questions about fly movement, and how the line/knot restricted its ‘life’, what different knots were there and the concept of knot strength and seating.

It was around this time that I had my first trip to the Seychelles. Tropical saltwater fly fishing BLEW MY MIND and gave me an entirely new board on which to draw. And draw I did.  From gear selection, the importance of drag, line tapers, leader construction (or lack thereof) and knots – and this without flies and species!

After that initial trip read and researched. And I tested. Using an old 50lb force meter I played with knots, how they seated and how they broke.

Steps for the Lefty Loop as sent to me by the late Paul Weingartz

Steps for the Lefty Loop as sent to me by the late Paul Weingartz.

I first cutout knots that did not create a loop. I became a hearty believer in the importance of fly movement and soon stopped using those old clinch knots altogether. I played with several loop knots, including the Surgeon, Perfection, Rapala and Duncan loops. But one stood out for me.

I had been looking for a knot that:

a)   Is relatively easy to tie – even when in stressful fishing situations
b)   Is strong – more than 90% of line strength retained after seating
c)    Doesn’t have a tag end that fouls in weed – this is what killed the perfection loop for me
d)   Is one can adjust the size of the loop during the tying process
e)   And lastly, could be tied in all line diameters.

The Lefty Kreh Non-Slip Loop

The Lefty Kreh Non-Slip Loop is my winner. The story goes that Lefty, while in search of a strong non-slipping loop, added a few turns around the standing part of nylon in a Clifford’s Knot. A so the Lefty’s Loop (as I refer to it) was born.

And it fills 4 of the 5 criteria I want. The only one it lacked was its effectiveness in lines heavier than 50 lbs.

The tying process is pretty simple and can be followed as below. The amount of turns around the standing part of the nylon will depend on the diameter of the line. The below table shows the recommended wraps to breaking strain

Breaking Strain Turns
4 – 6lbs 7 – 8
8 – 15lbs 5
20 – 40lbs 4
50lbs + 2
Step1: Make a good old standard granny knot (overhand) Step 2: Thread the tag end through the eye of the fly and return the tag end through the overhand. Note that tag enters and leaves the side of the overhand as the main line and tag ends of the overhand. Step 3: This illustrates step 2s point of same entry and exit. The tag end needs be moved over the main line in such a way that the main line separates it from the loop. Step 4: Make between 3 and 7 twists around the main line. The twists are in the same direction as the tag end was laid in the previous step. Step 5: Bring the tag end back through the overhand. Make sure the tag end is on the outside of the loop. Step 6: Tighten the overhand knot almost fully. Lubricate. Step 7: Holding the main line and the fly, tighten. And hey presto...

The Double Figure of Eight

Personally, I don’t use a Lefty’s Loop for line with a breaking strain of more than 50lbs. I find that the knot becomes clumsy and doesn’t seat straight. Especially when tying flies onto stiff fluorocarbon leaders when targeting big fish that live in rocky, foul and line unfriendly neighbourhoods. Think GTs around coral heads, etc…

I don’t know what the name of this knot is but its source for me comes from a couple of places. I’d used the knot to join sections of leader and is very similar (but simpler) than the Slim Beauty (another very cool knot) but when I saw a post on Francois Botha’s Facebook wall about using the same technique to create a loop that I slapped my forehead and sighed “Duhhh!”.

So simple, so incredibly effective and so strong!

Its seats cleanly, you can cut the tag flush and, with a little practice, can be tied easily.

I do, however, make the suggestion that if you are planning on fishing heavy leaders, pre-tie a couple. I tend to carry two or three, preloaded leaders with a loop at the butt end and a fly at the other. This is purely because of the fact that seating a knot quickly AND properly while on the water, especially on your own, can lead to a knot failing. I unfortunately have learnt this the hard way on more than one occasion.

Step 1: Start with a DOUBLE overhand knot. Step 2: Twist the double over to form a figure of 8. (This is not a traditional climbing figure-of-8 knot) Step 3 a: Thread tag end through eye of hook and then back through the figure of eight. The route of the tag end (one under my finger) is critical - note following step. Step 3 b: The tag end must follow the direction of the main line where it enters and leaves the figure of 8. "Under the loop, over the twists and under the loop." The piece of paper illustrates the under over route of the tag end. Another example of the route the tag end (top left piece) travels. Step 4: Tighten (not fully) the figure of 8 around the main line. You can adjust the size of your loop at this point by moving the tighten figure of 8 up and down the main line. Step 5: Take the main between thumb and forefinger. The tag end must lie over the main line. Step 6: Pinch the tag end against the main line. Bend the tag end around the back of the main line and pinch again between thumb and forefinger. You have a loop that goes around the main line. Step 7: Repeat the bed of tag around the main line. But before pinching it, thread the end of the tag end through the loop that has been created. Step 8: Holding the tag end, tighten slowly. The loop will transform into a figure of eight. Another look at the new figure of 8. Step 9: Lubricate and tighten (not fully) the second figure of eight. Lubricate BOTH knots and the line between the two. Hold the main and the fly and pull apart. This will cause the two knots to slide against each other. Tighten using a hard consistent pressure and allow the knots to tighten against each other.

A couple of general tips when it comes to knots:

  1. Lubricate. Doesn’t matter whether its fluorocarbon or mono; spit before you tighten. There has been much said about fluoro slipping when lubricated, truth is, fluoro has worse heat distributing properties than mono.
  2. Be aware of how the knot seats and what it looks like as tightened – for example, if you are using a Perfection Loop, the tag end needs to be 90O to the main line or that the Lefty Loop’s tag end points back towards the fly.
  3. Learn your knots. Its easy to practice them over a drink or tie them up stream or surf side without pressure. But I guarantee you that if you don’t know your knts inside out and you need to tie it in a hurry – think bust off and the fish are still feeding – you don’t want to be fumbling!
  4. When seating knots in heavy leaders, use force – hook the hook onto something solid (obviously don’t use the point) and use your body weight to seat the knot properly. This eliminates slip that may occur when a big fish is attached to the end of your line!

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